Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Mykonos and Kusadasi

I don't have much time to blog, but I will send photos.  Yesterday we boarded our cruise boat, The Aquamarine, with great anticipation.  Your kids love this boat.  Not big, not small. Manageable.
We are carrying on with the hearts tournament.  There are twelve of us left.  I think I'm going to win, but money is on either Hall or Skop. More later.  At 6 p.m. we took tender boats into Mykonos--check the sunset photos.  Good shopping for bags and jewelry.  the 2 euro gyro is pretty special.  Skop observed that the cheap food in Europe is really tasty--pizza in Stressa, Bosno in Salzburg, Crepes in Paris, Gyros in Mykonos, Souvlaki in Corinth--while in America the fast food is merely cheap.  Today we got up early for an excursion tour of the ancient Greek and Roman city of Efes, which was felled by mosquitos, Goths, and earthquakes.  It was once the center of the world with marble sidewalks, a great library and the biggest ampitheater around.  Our pictures show this 24,000 seat theater.  Imagine a few years ago seeing Ray Charles or Elton John perform here.  Today, the Austrian excavationists have said no more concerts.

I had to pay the camel herder 1 Euro for the picture.  I thought I was going to get to sit on the camel, but no.  Stand only.

Here's the new photo link.   I know, not really a link.  Haven't figured that out yet.

Wryly but truly with a little saffron mixed in,

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