From memory, here's the story. French president Francois Mitterand, 10 years ago, was dying of cancer. He decided, for his last meal, to have a forbidden-by-law delicacy--the tiny ortolan, which is smaller than a hummingbird. It began disappearing from the south of France in the 1950's and thus was put on an endangered species list. The way to eat it is to catch live in a net, feed for a month with grits and grains to fatten, drown in cognac, quickly cook and then--after blindfolding yourself to heighten the taste sensation--hold by the bill and place on the tongue. Oh, yes, earlier the eyes were gauged out. Well, you let the juices run down your throat before chewing the tasty bonelettes (two t's, my choice). 'Sposed to be the best. They kept it a secret for years after he died. Someone squealed. Many interesting ethical debates can be gleaned.
So what was our last meal in the fabled city of gastronomical delights. You'll have to ask your son or daughter. For the first year most reports were over the top. And the price wasn't bad either, believe it or not. Coach Hall and I took the tennis team to Chartier for their first stab at es-car-go. Some went to eat crepes in Montparnase. Some went to the Ille of St. Louis.But I think the award for best decision for a meal goes to Christine D., Stephanie K., and Chelsea T. who had a picnic on the Champs de Mars today--the lawn with the mad view of the Eiffel Tower. Nice going.
Some pictures of all of us at the Eiffel Tower a few hours ago.
go to:
Thank you LV and Mr. Hall for taking us traveling with you, we are enjoying the sights, tasting the food, and sharing the joys with all of you. Our children's lives are enriched because of you.
Whith appreciation,
A mom
Hi Mike! Next summer forget the senior trip and plan a "jealous mom" trip. I'll be the first to sign up! I promise to be in by curfew!
CONGRATULATIONS on coach of the year! Great article, great pictures of you and all the boys. I'll save you a copy.
What a beautiful writer you are! Thank you for keeping us in the loop.
lonely mom
one vote for "yes, it's ethical; no, it's not cruel." compared to how birds die in nature, drowning in armagnac certainly isn't a bad way to go...
and apparently the closest thing to ortolan - minus the bones, the gaminess, and the explosive jus - would be foie gras, which, i'm sure, is in plentiful supply in paris. ;-)
- michael (european dream 07)
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